Incineración y dioxinas. Problema no resuelto

La cuantificación de las emisiones reales de dioxinas es un tema controvertido. Se han publicado en diversos medios de comunicación noticias referentes a denuncias de infradeclaración o manipulación de las cifras de emisiones de dioxinas, no solo a nivel estatal sino también en otros países con mayor tradición incineradora. Link: …

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Latest Tokyo attraction: the recycling cocktail bar

Imagine enjoying a nice beersipping a delicious cocktail while watching municipal waste being sorted and processed. It certainly does not sound the most appealing setting for an evening out but an initiative launched by the recycling sector in Japan may change all that. Link:

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Dam with mine waste collapses in Brazil 7 dead, 200 missing

SAO PAULO — A dam that held back mining waste collapsed Friday in Brazil, inundating a nearby community in reddish-brown sludge, killing at least seven people and leaving scores of others missing. Link:

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A coalition of giant brands is about to change how we shop forever, with a new zero-waste platform

Loop will send you name-brand products, like Tide detergent, Crest mouthwash,Häagen Dazs ice cream. When you’re done, you ship the empty container back, where it gets cleaned and reused for the next customer. Link:

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