Eco-Products Announces Agreement with Compost Manufacturing Alliance to Test All Compostable Products, Begin Using New ‘Composter Approved‘ Logo

New CMA testing program and logo will validate and identify decomposition across a variety of composting technologies Link:

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Should you bother to compost in winter?

With snow on the sidewalk and ice on the porch steps, a reasonable person might ask: Do I really have to take the potato peelings out to the compost bin? They wouldn’t break down until spring anyway, would they? Link:

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War declared on world‘s growing e-waste crisis

PARIS (AFP) – Weighing more than all commercial airliners ever built and worth more than most countries‘ GDP, electronic waste poses a growing economic and environmental threat, experts said Thursday (Jan 24), as they launched a global initiative to clean it up. Link:

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Generating energy from waste: how it works

With world resources finite, and increasing public awareness of the harmful effects of our ‘throwaway culture’, a move towards what’s known as a circular economy seems a sensible option. In short, this means making products last longer, and recovering materialsother benefits from them when they can’t be fixed. Link:

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From Antartic waste to new products

Norwegian company, Nofir, has collected 24 tonnes of old fishing equipment from Antartica, in a bid to rid the world’s oceans of lost and discarded gear. Link:

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