Universitária produz tijolos com garrafas Pet

Constatar a funcionalidade do reaproveitamento de materiais recicláveis na área da construção civil. Foi com esse objetivo que Gizele de Menezes, aluna do curso de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Faculdade Esuda desenvolveu o projeto de graduação “O uso do plástico do lixo para fabricação de blocos de alvenaria de fechamento“ …

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Expert to help measure landfill waste

Louisville officials are looking for help to determine how quickly the Outer Loop Landfill is filling up. Officials can’t tell whether an experimental process for digesting and compacting waste is working as well as the landfill’s manager, Waste Management Inc., had promised. So they have hired a University of Louisville …

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Recycling: Wasteful?

I’m a big fan of recycling. I try to recycle whatever I can — paper, plastics, glass, aluminum — whenever I can. I was under the impression that recycling produces less waste than dumping in landfills and is better for the environment in general Link:

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