Reciclagem de Papéis

European Declaration on Paper Recovery

A European declaration on paper recovery has been launched by the Confederation of Paper Industries (CEPI) and the European Recovered Paper Association.
The declaration aims to ensure the optimum management of used paper and board products, improvement in the quality of recovered paper and a high level of environment protection in paper and board manufacturing and processing. The accord sets a recycling target of 56 per cent of all paper and board in Europe by 2005 (compared to 38.8 per cent in 1990 and 48.7 per cent in 1999).
This will mean a 25 per cent increase in recycling, equivalent to more than 10 million tonnes pa (Mtpa) of recovered paper. If the target is achieved, the total amount of paper collected and recycled annually will increase from 38 Mt to 48 Mt

Ano da Publicação: 2001
Fonte: Warmer Bulletim - World Resource Foundation
Autor: J. H. Penido
Email do Autor:

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