Scottish sustainability indicators published

Scottish sustainability indicators published

Twenty-four sustainable development indicators have been published by the Scottish government as part of a new framework policy for sustainability. The document recommends a special focus on energy, resource use and transport.

Indicators, some including time-specific targets, include greenhouse gas emissions, tonnes of waste landfilled and recycled.

Specifically for waste, the report requires a reduction in the amount of waste created from 2.9 Mtpa now to 2.6 Mtpa in 2010 and 2.3 Mtpa in 2020.

Recycling targets are foreseen, but these will come from Scotland’s waste strategy due out later this year. The landfilling of biodegradable municipal waste will need to be cut from today’s 1.7 Mtpa to 1.25 Mtpa by 2010.

You can get this compact report from the Scottish Executive’s website at:

Clique para acessar o mtnsd.pdf

Ano da Publicação: 2002
Fonte: Warmer Bulletin News Letter
Autor: J. Penido

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