How do you begin this program?

By analyzing all of your facilities‘‘ process streams, including procurement, usage, and disposal. The types and quantities of batteries that are present in each stream should be identified. By doing this Battery Solutions, Inc. will be able to customize a integrated battery waste management program that meets your facilities‘‘ needs.

What planning or administrative issues need to be addressed?

The facilities should conduct a battery needs assessment to determine where and what batteries are essential and where they might be eliminated. Once your battery needs are established, there are significant factors that must be considered prior to implementation of your integrated battery waste management program. These should include:

Selecting and procuring the collection containers (choose from our container sheet)

Sorting the larger wet cell batteries from the smaller dry cell types prior to shipment to Battery Solutions, Inc.

Providing temporary storage space for the battery collection containers.

Determine where the collection containers will be located. One central collection point or multiple collection points should be designated. Smaller facilities or those that use fewer batteries should consider using one central collection point. Larger facilities or those that use more batteries should consider using multiple collection points. No matter which method you use, your program should be structured so that it is easy and simple for employees to participate.

How do you communicate the benefits of the program to your employees?

The benefits of your battery recycling program must be effectively conveyed to employees for the program to be successful. Many people have learned and are continuing to learn about recycling programs through educational materials. Some materials that you could design are pamphlets, posters, and other printed and electronic materials. Also, seminars are highly effective in getting your message across. Increased public education and awareness about recycling programs will definitely enhance the success of your program

Ano da Publicação: 2005
Autor: Rodrigo Imbelloni
Email do Autor:

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