Statoil looks for drilling waste solutions – composting could work

Statoil is pursuing new approaches – including earthworm composting and asphalt production – in its search for ways to treat drilling waste. Statoil’s total fluid management project is working to develop environmental strategies and methods to reduce problems posed by various types of waste from drilling and downhole operations.

OilOnline reports that recycling drilling waste materials so that none need to be deposited as hazardous waste is the most attractive option, according to Statoil.

Trials are currently under way at Norway’s Jordforst research institute with earthworm composting of oily drill cuttings. The worms are fed cuttings and liquid mixed with animal waste, and convert the blend to a fertilizing compost. Statoil also has joined forces with Norwegian road surfacing specialist Veidekke to carry out trials on using oily cuttings for asphalt production.

Ano da Publicação: 2002
Fonte: Warmer Bulletin Enews #46-2002
Autor: Kit Strange, Warmer Bulletin
Email do Autor:

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