SWEEP-Net 3rd Regional Forum on Integrated Solid Waste Management

SWEEP-Net’s 3rd Regional Forum will focus on new opportunities for employment, social equity and sustainable development presented by solid waste management in the MENA Region.
The forum will give room for debates on the latest issues and happenings in waste management as well as plenty of exclusive networking opportunities for regional and international experts from both public and private sectors. While the 2012 forum focused on the economic and ecological potentials of greening the waste sector in the MENA region, this year’s forum will follow-up by debating on key sustainability topics for the MENA region.

Data: 14 de maio de 2013
Início: 1 de maio de 2013
País: Egypt
Cidade: Cairo
Informações para Contato:
Link: http://www.sweep-net.org/sweepnet2013/

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