SWEMP 2002

The symposium on Environmental Issues and Waste Management of Mineral and Energy Production (SWEMP) has come to be recognised as a leader in promoting international technology transfer. It was last held in the United States, Canada, Australia, Italy, Turkey and again in Canada in the year 2000. In view of the expressed interest of professionals from around the world, this series of symposia has become a biannual event. The next three symposia have been scheduled: Cagliari, Italy (2002), Ankara, Turkey (2004), and New Delhi, India (2006). A wide range of high quality papers from North and South America, Europe, Australia, Africa and Asia have been attracted. All the papers to be presented in oral and poster sessions are included in the Proceedings.

Obs.:Fax: +39 070 675 5523

Data: 7 de outubro de 2002
Início: 1 de outubro de 2002
País: Italy
Cidade: Cagliari
Informações para Contato:
Tel: +39 070 675 5526

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