Tag Archives: Conferência / Conference / Conferencia

4ª edición de la Conferencia sobre Tratamientos Biológicos de Residuos

– La situación de los tratamientos biológicos en España y Europa: tecnología, legislación y normativa – El compostaje: experiencias de compostaje moderno, parámetros de calidad – La biometanización: nuevas tecnologías, experiencias Tecnologías para el tratamiento de purines – Recogida selectiva de residuos urbanos orgánicos – Valorización de residuos de la …

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2007 International Conference on Incineration and Thermal Treatment Technologies

This conference will provide a forum for the exchange of state-of-the-art technical information on thermal treatment technologies. The meeting will offer invited and contributed papers that address approaches to safely managing waste streams amenable to thermal treatment processes, and evaluate their associated costs, risks, and impacts. Practical applications of technical …

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CIWM Spring Conference

Waste and resources management must gear up to meet the challenges of powerful global forces, including climate change, energy policy and international markets. The day will be split into a series of sessions featuring two speakers at each followed by an interactive question and answer session to enable healthy discussion …

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