Tag Archives: Eventos

Elaboração e Implantação de Plano de Gerenciamento de Resíduos Sólidos de Serviços de Saúde

OBJETIVO Ao final do curso os participantes serão capazes de realizar um diagnóstico perfeito da gestão dos resíduos sólidos de uma unidade de serviços de saúde e elaborar seu Plano de Gerenciamento de Resíduos Sólidos. Além disso poderão implementar ações visando racionalizar o uso de insumos; reduzir os desperdícios; minimizar …

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Healthcare Waste Management Workshop

Healthcare waste is generated from hospitals, clinics, general practitioners, surgeries, nursing homes, dentists, veterinary practices, laboratories and research establishments and as a result of midwifery and medical care at home. Most of the waste can be managed in the same way as municipal waste provided that the waste is properly …

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Environmental and Clean Energy Trade Mission 2009

Three expanding markets in Europe are stepping up efforts to meet ambitious European Union (EU) goals for sustainable development and resource management. EU members Greece and Italy, and prospective EU member Croatia, seek innovative environmental and clean energy technologies to do their part.

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Middle East Waste Summit 2009

As several GCC countries rank in the top 10 waste producers in the world, the race to protect the environment and preserve living standards in the face of rapid development and a growing population is on. Dubai has revealed its ambition to take the lead in developing world-class waste management …

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WasteTech-2009, The 6th International Trade Fair on Waste Management, Recycling and Environmental Technology

The main topics of the 6th WasteTech International Traid Fair inlcude Waste management and Recycling, Air-pollution control, Monitoring, Control and Analysis, Waste water treatment and Sludge management, Industrial cleaning, Public toilets, Energy (waste-to-energy and renewable energy), Soil remediation and Labour safety. The top position of WasteTech as the ultimate leader …

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