Tag Archives: Eventos


Elsevier will host the Global Cleaner Production & Sustainable Consumption Conference to celebrate more than two decades of the Journal of Cleaner Production, with an international scientific team drawn from more than fifty regional and global sustainability networks. The Global Cleaner Production & Sustainable Consumption Conference is being designed to …

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¡RESERVEN LA FECHA, ESTE 2015 NOS VEMOS EN SANTIAGO DE CHILE! Con gran alegría queremos anunciar el VII Encuentro de la RedBioLAC este año a celebrarse en Santiago de Chile* entre el lunes 9 y el viernes 13 de noviembre de 2015. La temática este año es: “De residuos agrícolas …

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Seminário Indústria e Biodiversidade: Construindo uma Relação Sustentável

O evento, que será realizado em parceria com a Confederação Nacional da Indústria (CNI) e com a Cooperação Brasil-Alemanha para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável (GIZ), abordará como a biodiversidade e os serviços ecossistêmicos associados estão inseridos na gestão empresarial, com foco na identificação de riscos e oportunidades de negócios para as …

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The 2016 Fleet Management Expo

FME is a unique industry experience produced by Waste Events, LLC, that provides waste and recycling fleet owners, managers and other professionals, in both the public and private sectors, hands-on information about improving their operations, a chance to network with vendors who specialize in fleet products and services, and the …

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ISWA Beacon Conference 2015

It will be a pleasure to meet you at the second ISWA Beacon Conference in Germany. Beacon Conferences are designed to enlighten small, but important fields within waste management. Resource efficiency and climate protection are important challenges of the 21st Century. Many countries of the world have launched programs to …

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The 31st International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management

The 31th International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management will be held in Philadelphia, PA, U.S.A. on April 3-6, 2016. Participants are expected from over 40 countries. Researchers, educators, government officials, consultants, managers, community leaders and others with expertise in solid waste are invited to submit papers for oral …

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ÁREAS CONTAMINADAS Aspectos Legais e Técnicos para Prevenção, Gestão e Remediação de Áreas Contaminadas

Seja por legado de terceiros, empreendimentos passados, ou pela natureza de certas atividades econômicas, é fato que áreas contaminadas se fazem presentes hoje nos principais centros urbanos. A tecnologia atual, além de oferecer a chance de identificação de contaminantes, permite o devido cuidado com o solo, a prevenção da contaminação …

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