Tag Archives: Eventos

Electronics Recycling Asia 2012

This event will focus on: Best available recycling equipment and technology Reports about strategic metals Metal and scrap trading How do countries and electronics manufacturing companies close the recycling loop? Update about laws and regulations regarding collection and recycling Presentations about proven collection schemes New recycling plants Upcoming recycling technologies …

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7th Australian Conference and Exhibition Integrating Business and the Environment 2012

Welcome to ENVIRO 2012, Australia’s largest meeting of business and the environment which will take place from 24 to 26 July at Adelaide Convention Centre. This event continues to be the must-attend event for environment and sustainability in Australia. The ENVIRO Exhibition offers your business the opportunity to showcase its …

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WasteMET Asia

Organised by Waste Management and Recycling Association of Singapore (WMRAS) and National Environment Agency (NEA), the inaugural WasteMET Asia is set to be the region‘s premium exhibition to launch, showcase and introduce the latest innovative equipment and technologies in waste management, recycling and resource recovery solutions. The event will bring …

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3º Biogas Brazil Congress

Este congresso foi desenvolvido para: Distribuidoras e comercializadoras de gás e energia elétrica, aterros sanitários, companhias de saneamento e tratamento de esgoto, produtores de biogás, companhias de tratamento de resíduos, usinas sucroenergética, produtores agroindustriais, operadoras de serviços ambientais, operadoras de plantas de biogás, construtoras, empresas fornecedoras de tecnologias e equipamentos …

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IV Seminário Regional Nordeste de Resíduos Sólidos – IV Resíduos NE e 2º Encontro Sergipano de Resíduos Sólidos

CHAMADA DE TRABALHOS – NOVO PRAZO DE ENVIO – 02/jun/2012 Está no ar a chamada de trabalhos para o IV ResíduosNE – IV Seminário Regional Nordeste de Resíduos Sólidos e 2º Encontro Sergipano de Resíduos Sólidos – a ser realizado em São Cristóvão, Sergipe, de 20 a 21 de agosto …

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