A ABRELPE divulga a chamada de trabalhos para a segunda edição da Revista Conexão Academia, a ser publicada no primeiro semestre de 2012. A comunidade acadêmica e empresarial poderá submeter seus artigos para o e-mail comunicacao@abrelpe.org.br, até o dia 30 de março de 2012. As normas para publicação estão disponíveis …
Mais »2012 Global Waste Management Symposium
The Global Waste Management Symposium (GWMS) serves as a forum for the presentation of both applied and fundamental research and case studies on waste management. This 3-day event serves the needs of the landfill community within the solid waste and recycling industry and welcomes participants from the community of designers, …
Mais »Road to Zero Waste Conference
Join SWANA‘s Recycling & Special Waste Division in Austin as we continue to explore "The Road to Zero Waste." Featuring a variety of zero waste experts and case studies, this two-day event will provide the latest information on zero waste initiatives and practical advice on how your community can utilize …
Mais »WM 2012 Conference
The annual Waste Management (WM) Conference, presented by WM Symposia (WMS), is widely regarded as the premier international conference for the management of radioactive material and related topics. WMS is a non-profit organization dedicated to education and opportunity in waste management. It was founded to provide a forum for discussing …
Mais »8th International Biopower Generation Congress and Exhibition
With the scaling up of biomass heat and power being so central to the future of the industry, BioPower Generation 2012 will attract key players in the space. This year the debate will focus on the latest commercialisation updates, supply chain, investment, policy and torrefaction, cogeneration and energy from waste. …
Mais »Exporesiduos 2011 – IV Feria y Seminario Internacional Gestión Integral de Residuos Sólidos y Peligrosos
WasteECo-2012 Cooperation for Waste Issues: The International Exhibition and Conference
The annual event established since 2004. Exhibition profile and topics of the Conferences cover all aspects of management of solid waste, wastewater and atmospheric emissions. Participation in WasteECo-2012 is beneficial to companies, which intend to promote their waste management technologies, equipment and services in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and other …
Mais »FITMA 2012
International trade show covering water, alternative energy, environment & waste.
Mais »3º Seminário Bioenergia: Desafios e Oportunidades de Negócios
Auditório Prof. Romeu Landi, Edifício Mário Covas – Prédio da Administração da Escola Politécnica – Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, Travessa 3, nº. 380 – Cidade Universitária. O evento irá tratar da utilização de resíduos urbanos e rurais como fonte eficiente de energia. O evento é gratuito e as inscrições são …
Mais »Como implantar o PGRSS – Plano de Gerenciamento de Resíduos de Serviços de Saúde – RSS
Conceituar boas práticas de como Gerenciar e Destinar Resíduos de Serviços de Saúde – RSS em atendimento: RDC 306 – ANVISA e CONAMA 358 e a Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos – PNRS para a gestão ambiental sustentável dos Serviços de Saúde. * Analisar o impacto da geração dos Resíduos …
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