Tag Archives: Eventos

27th Annual International Conference on Soils, Sediments, Water, and Energy

The Annual Conference on Soils, Sediments, Water and Energy, at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst has become the preeminent national conference in this important environmental area. The conference attracts 700-800 attendees annually which includes a wide variety of representation from state and federal agencies; military; a number of industries …

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SARDINIA 2011 – Thirteenth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium

The International Symposia Sardinia were established in 1987 in order to make ideas and experiences in the rapidly developing field of waste management and landfilling readily available to professional communities worldwide. Since then the Symposia have rapidly become the International Reference Forum where every two years planners, operators, public officials …

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European Future Energy Forum 2011

With 3,713 business people and decision makers from 53 countries attending the European Future Energy Forum in London 19-21 October 2010, the organisers are pleased to announce the next event in the European series will be held 4-6 October 2011 in Geneva. The 2010 event was deemed a great success …

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Waste to Energy+Recycling 2011

"Resources of the Future" The "waste to energy+recycling" is the future forum for energy and materials recovery from waste and biomass. The exhibition and conference focus on thermal treatment, biogas production and secondary raw materials recycling. Attendees of the event include decision-makers from the public and private sector. What is …

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ISWA Conference "Solid Waste Treatment and Disposal: Leading Edge Technologies"

The ISWA conference will be organised by the International Solid Waste Association (ISWA) and will be held as a part of the conference programme of the International exhibition for waste management, recycling, environmental technologies and renewable energy – WasteTech-2011. The purpose of this ISWA Conference will be to explore technical …

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Seminário Internacional sobre Resíduos Eletrônicos

Porto Digital promove Seminário Internacional sobre Resíduos Eletrônicos Vai acontecer dentro da programação do Porto Digital no Recife Summer School 2011 o Seminário Internacional de Resíduos de Equipamentos Eletroeletrônicos (SIREEE). O encontro, que contará com a presença de mais de 150 especialistas da indústria, da academia e de governos, será …

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ISWA World Congress 2010

O Congresso ISWA 2011 irá possibilitar uma grande oportunidade para a troca de conhecimento e experiências em gestão sustentável de resíduos e questões ambientais com outros cientistas, acadêmicos, profissionais e agentes políticos de todo o mundo. Tópicos de Interesse Especial – Práticas e desafios dos 3Rs em metrópoles – Experiências …

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