Política Estadual de Resíduos Sólidos
I Workshop Sobre a Cadeia Produtiva de Biodiesel
Instituto Icone Rua Prof. Alberto Pacheco, 125 sala 506 – Bairro Ramos CEP: 36570-000
Mais »Biomass `07: Power, Fuels, and Chemicals Workshop
Biomass is the largest and most promising sustainable and renewable energy resource with true global applications. Participants will discover opportunities for economic production of power, transportation fuels, and chemical feedstocks from biomass and network with researchers and potential partners and develop economic opportunities
Mais »Biomass `06: Power, Fuels, and Chemicals Workshop
The Biomass `06: Power, Fuels, and Chemicals Workshop will explore the opportunities and applications for power production, transportation fuels, and chemical feedstock production. Attendees will learn about energy solutions, economic development opportunities, and partnership advantages, and will experience live demonstrations of new technologies
Mais »Towards Sustainable Plastic Constructionand Demolition Waste Management in Europe
Gestão Integrada de Resíduos Sólidos Urbanos em Cidades da América Latina e Caribe
Taller latinoamericano de capacitación para la diseminación del proyecto mexicano de aprovechamiento de biogás
El objetivo del Taller es incrementar el conocimiento e intercambiar experiencias en el ámbito latinoamericano en materia de aprovechamiento del biogás de los rellenos sanitarios como una fuente de energía renovable. Dada la gran cantidad de basura de origen orgánico que se produce en los municipios de México y de …
Mais »The Debate Over Single Stream Recycling
A two-day workshop which includes MRF tours, participant discussion/networking and a full day of sessions on the issues around single stream recycling. Learn from municipaliites who have looked at the pros and cons and decided to adopt – or not adopt – the single stream concept for their programs
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