Taiwan – plasma system commisioned

PEAT International, Inc. (“PEAT”), a global player in plasma-based waste remediation solutions, announced it has successfully commissioned and received government acceptance of a Plasma Thermal Destruction and Recovery (“PTDR”) waste facility located at the National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) in Tainan City, Taiwan.

The three-metric-ton-per-day (125 KG/hr or 275 lb/hr) facility, built to primarily treat biomedical waste and incinerator fly ash, is the first commercially built plasma-based remediation system commissioned in Taiwan treating solid waste. PEAT (Plasma Energy Applied Technologies) also owns a 10 metric-ton-per-day facility, located in Kaohsiung, designed to treat industrial and laboratory solvent liquid wastes. Using its proprietary PTDR technology, PEAT‘‘s environmentally clean process utilizes plasma torches to convert waste into a non-toxic synthetic gas, which can be used for electricity generation and other useful products. “We are very pleased about completing the project and impressed with the commissioning test results.

The successful operation of the facility is another important step in PEAT‘‘s development not just in Taiwan, but across the globe,” said Frank Menon, PEAT International Chief Executive Officer. “Using the PTDR technology to treat a wide range of waste streams is a win-win proposition for any waste generator – the waste is destroyed without harmful emissions and useable byproducts are created.”

The PTDR facility was designed and built by PEAT over an 18-month period and located within NCKU‘‘s new multi-million dollar Environmental Resource Management Research Center and Facility. The project, funded and owned by the Ministry of Education, represented the first time the Government of Taiwan committed financial and technical resources to the utilization of plasma technology. “This is an extremely important milestone for PEAT, NCKU and plasma technology as a whole,” said Wen-Jhy Lee, Ph.D., and a NCKU Professor – Department of Environmental Engineering. “Plasma has the opportunity to revolutionize the waste treatment industry and PEAT is at the forefront of this technology. NCKU has found an excellent partner in PEAT.” From November 2004 through January 2005, PEAT successfully processed a combination of waste streams (individually and co-mingled), including toxic incinerator fly ash for a continuous period to complete the commissioning tests necessary for obtaining all regulatory approvals. PEAT also expects to enter into a separate arrangement to operate and maintain the facility for NCKU and MOE through an additional contract.

About PEAT International

Founded in 2001, PEAT International provides proprietary, environmentally clean waste remediation processes that convert hazardous, infectious, industrial military and municipal wastes into synthetic gas and other useful products. PEAT‘‘s proprietary process, Plasma Thermal Destruction and Recovery (“PTDR”), which has been permitted in six locations throughout the globe, is the first commercially viable solution for waste remediation, employing thermal plasma technology.

For more information on PEAT International, contact Daniel Ripes, dripes@peat.com , at 847-559-8567 or visit:


Ano da Publicação: 2005
Fonte: WARMER BULLETIN ENEWS #10-2005-March 13, 2005
Autor: Kit Strange / Warmer Bulletin
Email do Autor: bulletin@residua.com

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