TECOMEX 2001/Enviro-Pro Expo – International Trade Fair for Environmental Technology and Recycling.

The Mexican market for environmental technology is predominantly an import market with a present annual volume of around four billion US$. Due to the statutory environmental regulations stipulated by NAFTA and in additional agreements between Canada, the U.S. and Mexico, the volume of investment in this sector will continue to increase. TECOMEX/Enviro-Pro Expo is organised by Messe München GmbH in cooperation with E.J. Krause & Associates.
Range of exhibits: Waste disposal and recycling; water and sewage treatment; decontamination of old sites; sewers and drains; prevention of air pollution; measurement and control technology; recycling; sludge treatment; municipal cleansing; consultancy/planning/financing; trade literature

Data: 25 de setembro de 2001
Início: 1 de setembro de 2001
País: México
Cidade: Cidade do México
Informações para Contato:
Tel: +49 89 9 49 2 05 00
Email:: huegel.k@messe-muenchen.de

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