Thermal Processing of Municipal Solid Waste

Live July 9th
11am PDT / 2pm EDT, 1-1.5hr*
1 PDH / 0.1 CEU
Presenter: Walter R. Niessen, P.E., B.C.E.E.

In this webinar we‘ll take a step beyond our Combustion Series to delve into the details of the current waste combustion and waste-to-energy systems dominating the marketplace. We‘ll start our discussion with the fundamental characteristics of solid waste and their impact on combustion systems and air emissions. We‘ll discuss the key handling properties of combustion systems and each system‘s characteristics (Maximum Continuous Rating) and how these define incinerator operations.

We‘ll explore the details of current mass market waste combustion systems, their designs, their operating features, and applications, as well as mass burn incineration, refuse derived fuel (RDF), and densified RDF. Within this discussion, we‘ll discuss the elements, applications, and alternatives for incinerator components and sub-systems, including: waste receipt, storage, and feeding systems; combustion alternatives (grates, hearths, and fluidizing beds); enclosures; ash and ash processing systems; air pollution control systems; RDF-type incineration systems; and modular-type incineration systems.

And finally we‘ll end our discussion with an overview of municipal waste combustion where it is today, and preview our next session discussing where it is going tomorrow.

Data: 9 de julho de 2014
Início: 1 de julho de 2014
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