UK – London recycling “can be met” says London Remade

London Remade claims that despite local authority recycling results released by DEFRA recently, which show that only 21% of London Boroughs met their 2003/4 targets, London is still making good progress towards its recycling target for 2005/6.

The recently released local authority performance figures are based on waste recycled or composted during 2003/4. Since then, numerous recycling schemes and awareness initiatives, including those funded by the London Recycling Fund, have been implemented. The full benefit of these schemes was not realised during the 2003/4 period but should make a dramatic impact on recycling rates next year.

Kate Radford, Improvement Centre Manager at London Remade, explained: “The results released yesterday demonstrate how the Boroughs performed in 2003/4. Our knowledge of Local Authority recycling rates at present suggests that some boroughs are already recycling and composting between 3% and 6% higher than the performance figures stated.

We are confident that the considerable investments in recycling collection and infrastructure made between 2002 and 2005 will begin to show considerable results, putting London back on target to meet 2005/6 targets. ” The results show that four of the London Boroughs appear in the ten worst performing authorities and nine of the Boroughs are still recycling under 10% of waste, however it should be noted that many Boroughs rose more than 4% points or more, which in some cases is a doubling of previous rates.

This looks set to continue for the 2005 / 2006 figures as today over 70% of households across London now have access to doorstep collection systems. Kate continued: “There‘‘s a long way to go before London is on a level with other European Cities, however the foundations are being laid now to ensure that we continue to improve performance on a local and regional level, boosting awareness and striving to make recycling part of Londoners‘‘ everyday lives.”

Ano da Publicação: 2005
Fonte: WARMER BULLETIN ENEWS #04-2005 - January 30, 2005
Autor: Kit Strange / Warmer Bulletin
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