UK – new research reveals continued growth in plastic bottle recycling rates

Plastic bottle recycling continues to go from strength to strength with 92% of UK local authorities now offering recycling collection facilities for plastic bottles, according to new research funded by WRAP and undertaken by Recoup (RECycling of Used Plastics).

The findings of the UK Plastic Bottle Recycling Survey 2007 indicate that UK collections are now performing at a rate of 132,000 tonnes per annum, which equates to 3,300 million plastic bottles. To put this increase into context, 25% of bottles in the household waste stream are now being collected for recycling, whereas in 2001 this figure stood at just 3%.

471 local authorities participated in the annual survey, helping to paint a comprehensive and accurate picture of plastic bottle recycling across the UK.

The survey revealed that a widespread shift towards kerbside collection has played a key role in increasing plastic bottle recycling rates – 60% (65% if not including WDAs) of local authorities now offer kerbside collection of plastic bottles, offering 13.9 million households the opportunity to recycle their plastic bottles at kerbside.

Bring schemes also remain popular, with 77% of local authorities offering these facilities. 50% of local authorities operate both bring and kerbside schemes.

Additional key findings revealed in the latest annual survey include:

the average quantity of plastic bottles collected from households that are offered kerbside collection is now 7.5 kg/hh/annum (per household/per annum), an increase of 2 kg/hh/annum on last year

The highest performing kerbside schemes reported achieving in excess of 20kg/hh/annum of plastic bottles from households covered

The lowest performing kerbside schemes generated less than 2kg/hh/annum

The quantity of plastic bottles collected from plastic bottle bring schemes ranges from 2kg to 5kg plus per household per annum.

The continued growth in plastic bottle recycling facilities can be attributed to a number of factors including: increasing pressure for local authorities to provide effective recycling programmes in order to meet recycling targets and avoid rising landfill tax on residual waste, Government funding; increased recognition that plastic bottle recycling facilities can be provided cost effectively, improved baling/handling infrastructure, strong public demand for the service locally, an increase in alternate weekly collections and increased confidence in markets for collected plastic bottles.

The survey also used local authority declarations to forecast future trends. Based on this information, the provision of kerbside collection of plastic bottles is set to exceed 14.6 million households during 2008, representing 56% of UK households. It is also forecast that around 150,000 tonnes per annum of plastic bottles will be collected by 2009, equating to a recycling rate of 28%.

Local authorities looking for advice on their plastic bottle recycling schemes can contact WRAP‘‘s recycling advisory service ROTATE. ROTATE provides technical and operational guidance and advice on key issues for plastic bottle recycling, such as marketing and promotion, end markets and performance monitoring and evaluation. The support given is ‘‘hands on‘‘ and practical, and is tailored to the specific needs of individual local authorities

Ano da Publicação: 2007
Fonte: WARMER BULLETIN ENEWS #24-2007-June 15, 2007
Autor: Kit Strange/Warmer Bulletin
Email do Autor:

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