UK – plastic bottles recycling doubles

A 100% increase in plastic bottle recycling over the past two years has been revealed by research funded by WRAP (the Waste & Resources Action Programme) and carried out by Recoup (RECycling Of Used Plastics). The UK Plastic Bottle Recycling Survey 2005 includes data submitted by all 477 UK local authorities. It is the most detailed source of information on UK household plastic bottle collection performance published to date and provides a comprehensive reference tool for all those interested in plastics recycling.

The report reveals that collections are now performing at an annualised rate of 48,397 tonnes, which equates to 10.5% of bottles in the household waste stream. This is double the quantity collected in 2003, with approximately 68% of the bottles recovered through kerbside collections and 32% through bring schemes.

Key findings of the research include:

· 73% of all UK local authorities now offer collection facilities for plastic bottles

· 348 local authority recycling managers confirmed plastic bottle collection facilities within their council area ·

· The number of plastic bottle collection schemes has increased by 18%

· 53 of the local authorities that responded to the survey indicated that it costs them little or no extra to collect their plastic bottles for recycling compared to collecting them for landfill/other disposal route, demonstrating that plastic bottle recycling can be achieved cost effectively in well designed schemes.

As well as reporting on the overall rise in collection, the survey includes performance and costs analysis of the different collection approaches adopted by councils throughout the UK, together with predictions about future trends. Based on current local authority declarations, it is forecast that almost 65,703 tonnes per annum of plastic bottles will be collected by 2007.

Andrew Simmons, Chief Executive Officer of Recoup, said: “The increase shown by the survey is great news and using the data provided, it is estimated that the provision of plastic bottle recycling within kerbside collections will exceed 10.9 million households during 2006. This means 44% of all UK households will be able to recycle plastic bottles on their doorstep and in addition, 5,000 bring sites are also expected to be operational by the end of 2006.”

“Local authorities are becoming increasingly aware of the benefits of introducing plastic bottles collection schemes,” says Paul Davidson, WRAP‘‘s Material Sector Manager for Plastics. “Advice from WRAP and Recoup through a series of “Message in a Bottle seminars” has been helping to provide authorities with the necessary information to ensure that new schemes can be set up cost effectively and existing schemes improved through best practice and better communications with householders.”

Ano da Publicação: 2005
Fonte: WARMER BULLETIN ENEWS #21-2005-MAY 27, 2005
Autor: Kit Strange / Warmer Bulletin
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