UK – recycled glass sand good for golfers

New research results demonstrate that using a blend of processed sand (made from 100% recycled glass) and conventional sand offers performance and environmental benefits and is closer to the traditional sand colour. This is especially good news for greenkeepers who are reluctant to use processed sand due to its natural green colour

To find the optimum colour and performance ratio, trials were undertaken by the Sports Turf Research Institute (STRI), on behalf of WRAP (the Waste & Resources Action Programme). The trials compared different blends of conventional and processed sand and showed that the optimum ratio was a 50:50 blend. This ratio maintained processed sand‘‘s performance advantages such as firmer underfoot conditions and reduced plugging of the ball, but also significantly reduced the green colouring.

This was the second trial carried out by the STRI. Earlier trials demonstrated that processed sand was ideal for use in a range of applications on the golf course, including bunker sand, divot repairs, and as top dressing.

WRAP intends to take the results from all the research carried out with the STRI and apply it in situ, working with several high profile clubs. One of these will expand their course constructing new greens, tees and bunkers using processed sand. Once mature, players will be able to experience play for the first time on a golf course constructed using processed sand

Ano da Publicação: 2005
Fonte: WARMER BULLETIN ENEWS #20-2005- MAY 20, 2005
Autor: Kit Strange / Warmer Bulletin
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