UK – residents in Gateshead enjoy benefits of recycling

Recyclers support charity donations and win vouchers in prize lottery draws – two incentives when you can‘‘t use pay-as-you-throw.

Residents in Gateshead have recycled over 11,000 tonnes of household rubbish in just two years using the kerb-it scheme, that‘‘s the equivalent of over 123,420 trees, 20 million cans and 11 million units of glass.

Gateshead Council introduced kerbside recycling scheme ‘‘Kerb-it‘‘ in March 2003 and Premier Waste Management. The £2.7 million scheme was rolled out across Gateshead, South Tyneside and Sunderland and aims to encourage households to reduce the amount of rubbish they produce.

Gateshead was named in a recent report as one of two local authorities in the North East to make the biggest leap in recycling in the past year. Residents currently recycled 12 percent of household waste. With the introduction of ‘‘Green-it‘‘ and the 600 tonnes of garden waste collected through garden waste recycling in just 10 weeks. The council is well on course to meet to Government‘‘s target of 18% of waste recycled for the current year."

Gateshead residents have recycled approximately 7,260 tonnes of paper, the equivalent of over 123,420 trees, using between 30-70% less energy than producing new paper and releasing less pollutants into the air and water. Over 3,861 tonnes of glass has been collected, the equivalent to over 11 million units of glass and has reduced the amount of raw materials by used by 4417 tonnes. As well as 663 tonnes of cans, the equivalent to 20 million cans.

Households in Gateshead have the chance to win £100 worth of MetroCentre vouchers just by taking the time to recycle. Local Environmental staff are regularly out and about randomly selecting winners who recycle around the borough. To date over £1400 has been given out. For every tonne of recycled material collected Premier waste donates £1 to charity. Since the scheme began £11,000 has been donated to local charities, including the North East Air Ambulance, the Salvation Army, the Alzheimer‘‘s Association and Stroke Association

Ano da Publicação: 2005
Fonte: WARMER BULLETIN ENEWS #20-2005- MAY 20, 2005
Autor: Kit Strange / Warmer Bulletin
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