UK – steering group members sought for RAY

Expenses only – but a useful and interesting role

RAY is a new £2m recycling market development programme for Yorkshire and the Humber. Funded through Yorkshire Forward and part-financed by the European Union; RAY will stimulate economic activity within the recycling supply chain. This in turn will lead to a significant increase in the collection, reprocessing, manufacturing and use of goods and materials with a recycled content.

Steering Group

RAY is seeking to recruit 2 Steering Group Members from the recycling, business and academic sectors to widen the steering group membership.

The Steering Group will meet on at least a quarterly basis and their main role will be to contribute to the shape and progress of the Programme, in particular by helping identify key issues, their solutions and potential partners. Ideally membership will comprise key stakeholders from the business and academic sectors, who, through their interest in recycling, and/or knowledge of market development activity can support the RAY programme.

The Steering Group‘‘s role is to offer strategic advice to RAY. Candidates will ideally have experience of :

· Their specialist area for at least 5 years. · Have an empathy with the aims of RAY. · Good networks amongst key players and decision makers in their field. · Cross sector partnership working · Sound judgement. · High standards of integrity

If you are interested and can help us realise our ambitions, then Yorkshire Forward would like to hear from you.

Please Send your CV and covering letter to Alex Hargreaves by Friday 8th April 2005.

Ms Alex Hargreaves (T: 0113 394 9657 E:

Ano da Publicação: 2005
Fonte: WARMER BULLETIN ENEWS #11-2005-March 19, 2005
Autor: Kit Strange / Warmer Bulletin
Email do Autor:

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