UK – study reveals the economic benefits of including metal packaging in kerbside collection

Results of a study have revealed that including metal cans – steel and aluminium – in kerbside collection schemes can offer significant benefits to local authorities. The study, funded by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) and conducted by Dr. Julia Hummel of Eco Alternatives Ltd, examined the economic impacts of including metal packaging (steel and aluminium food and drink cans and foil) in multi-material kerbside collections of household recyclables.

The conclusions of the study give clear guidance to local authorities and show that whether local authorities are introducing a new collection scheme, or expanding an existing one, there are likely to be quantifiable economic benefits if metal packaging is included.

Dr. Julia Hummel was asked to undertake this research using an analysis tool she launched in 2004, known as KAT, the Kerbside Analysis Tool. KAT is widely recognised as the most detailed and up-to-date analysis of the operation of local authority kerbside collection systems in the UK. For the purpose of this research, KAT was used to analyse the benefits of adding metal packaging to kerbside systems. A representative range of current kerbside modes of operation was taken into consideration, based on actual practice for typical local authorities operating on high, medium and low costs per tonne and costs per household. In other words, a range of practices and efficiencies was taken into account, and the effects of adding metal packaging to them all was measured.

The general conclusions of the research are that:

· metal packaging contributes towards the achievement of Best Value Performance Indicators (BVPIs)

· the cost benefit of including metals in kerbside collection can be realised for kerbside sorted, co-mingled and two-stream collections

· the collection of metals, even at low recovery levels, can have a positive net benefit on the cost of the kerbside collection and MRF processing systems

· the inclusion of metals in most kerbside systems will reduce the overall collection cost of a multi material collection even at low levels of recovery, thereby improving BVPI 86

· the inclusion of metal cans should increase the recovery of the other targeted materials, contributing to an improvement of BVPI 82a

· revenues from the sales of the metals alone will more than off-set the additional collection and sorting costs of collecting more recyclables, contributing to an improvement in BVPI 86

· metals can be included in most multi-material collections at no additional cost (depending on efficiency of collection and assuming sales revenues are received)

· the benefit of including metals increases as the recovery increases

Clearly, the level of these benefits will vary depending on the particular system and a range of location-specific variables. However, one of the major advantages of the KAT tool is that it enables these ‘‘variables‘‘ to be precisely quantified for any particular authority.

John May, Manager at Corus Steel Packaging Recycling, one of the organisations behind the original idea for this new study comments: "It is clear that there are real advantages to be gained by including both steel and aluminium packaging in kerbside collection systems and, together with our partners in the aluminium industry, we would like to see local authorities establish and expand systems to collect both steel and aluminium. Given the fact that there are also ready markets for the collected metals, there is every reason to collect them. "At a time when the wisdom of purely weight-based targets is being questioned, the conclusions of this study have added significance. Furthermore, the focus on the removal of biodegradable waste from landfill fails to encourage local authorities to take this advantageous step. Not only will steel and aluminium add to the weight collected, they will also generally assist the econo

Ano da Publicação: 2005
Fonte: WARMER BULLETIN ENEWS #09-2005-March 05, 2005
Autor: Kit Strange / Warmer Bulletin
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