UK – waste wood: the untapped resource for Biomass fuel

The huge potential of reusing waste wood as fuel is being wasted, Environment Minister Joan Ruddock has warned. The significant carbon and energy benefits of recovering energy from waste wood are detailed in a new information report on the sector that surveys the activities of producers, aggregators and users of waste wood.

Recycling and energy markets for clean, virgin wood have been growing in recent years; however waste wood has been a largely overlooked resource. Currently up to 10 million tonnes of waste wood is being produced in the UK each year, most of which goes to landfill.

Joan Ruddock, Minister for Climate Change and Waste, said:

“It has been estimated that recovering energy from 2 million tonnes of waste wood could generate 2600GWh electricity and save 1.15 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions, with greater benefits available by recovering heat as well as power. This is a huge potential resource that is being wasted.”

With the majority of waste wood arisings being contaminated, the key to realising this potential is more, geographically dispersed, Waste Incineration Directive compliant combustion facilities delivering both energy and heat recovery.

The publication of the Waste Wood Information Report fits well with the intended convergence of energy and waste policy by creating greater awareness of this substantial, indigenous and largely untapped biomass resource available in municipal, construction and demolition and commercial and industrial waste streams. This coincides with the banding of the Renewables Obligation which will significantly increase support for electricity generated from biomass and combined heat and power (CHP).

Ano da Publicação: 2008
Fonte: WARMER BULLETIN ENEWS #16-2008-April 25, 2008
Autor: Kit Strange/Warmer Bulletin
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