USA – company launches high-tech RFID garbage bins following successful Philadelphia trials

Cascade Engineering has announced the launch of a first-of-its-kind waste container equipped with electronic tags that will help municipalities and waste collection companies operate their waste management processes more efficiently and cost-effectively. The announcement follows the conclusion of a large-scale pilot programme in the City of Philadelphia.

Cascade‘‘s “smart” waste containers emit radio signals that allow sanitation personnel using an electronic reader to collect key data on the container‘‘s use. The new bins combine the company‘‘s expertise in engineered plastics systems with a technology known as radio frequency identification, or RFID, that has gained popularity in a number of other applications, including EZ Pass for toll collection, a variety of door entry systems, pallet tagging, and livestock tracking. The benefits from this new container technology include:

More effective maintenance. Automated data collection creates a “container history” that prompts for maintenance or replacement

Ease of use. The tags are easy to program, can be read from a distance of up to 15 feet, and don‘‘t need to be within the line of sight

Security. Because the tag is embedded in the container material, it is virtually tamper proof. In addition, each container has its own unique code, which makes it easy to track and reduces the possibility of loss or theft

The automated data tracking and recording capability of the new containers was illustrated during Cascade‘‘s recent pilot programme in Philadelphia. The company partnered with the City of Philadelphia to launch a six-month, incentive-based programme that was designed to help increase participation rates in Philadelphia‘‘s residential recycling programme. As part of this programme, known as RecycleBank, Cascade supplied nearly 2,000 of its new RFID-enabled waste containers to Philadelphia residents. Data on the amount of recyclable material per household was gathered and then used to reward customers with discount coupons from participating area businesses.

Preliminary results from the pilot programme indicate overall participation rates at more than 50 percent, with rates as high as 80 percent in some neighborhoods. Cascade‘‘s new “smart” waste containers are available in various sizes and come in a variety of styles and colors

Ano da Publicação: 2005
Fonte: WARMER BULLETIN ENEWS #39-2005-October 2, 2005
Autor: Kit Strange/Warmer Bulletin
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