USA – LA County supervisors to study ban on plastic foam containers

The Los Angeles Board of Supervisors have directed the Department of Public Works to look into the feasibility of banning containers made of polystyrene-commonly known by the Styrofoam brand name-from county facilities and stores and restaurants in unincorporated areas. Mercury News reports that the department was also asked to study the impact of removing such containers from county facilities.

“Reform has to start at home,” Supervisor Gloria Molina said.

Polystyrene is not biodegradable, and clogs storm drains and litters beaches, said public works director Donald Wolfe.

“It‘‘s basically with us forever,” Wolfe told the board.

Samantha Martinez of the Plastic Foodservice Packaging Group said her organization would work with the county to find environmentally friendly food packages. She said littering and a lack of recycling were more harmful than polystyrene.

Last month, the board ordered a similar study on whether to ban petroleum-based plastic shopping bags.

Ano da Publicação: 2007
Fonte: WARMER BULLETIN ENEWS #22-2007-June 01, 2007
Autor: Kit Strange/Warmer Bulletin
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