USA – nation‘s first statewide plastic bag recycling programme

On Labor Day weekend, Rhode Island became the first state in the United States to offer a statewide collection and recycling program for plastic grocery bags. The programme is free for both consumers and the markets that display the collection barrels.

Dubbed “ReStore,” the project was developed by the Rhode Island Resource Recovery Corporation (RIRRC), the quasi-public agency responsible for managing the state‘‘s solid waste, in partnership with area grocery stores. Grocery stores, from large national chain stores to neighborhood markets, are members of the Rhode Island Food Dealers Association, which endorsed the recycling effort and promoted participation.

Plastic bags are a major problem for the environment. The shelf life of a plastic bag is measured in mere minutes – the time it takes to drive from a store, empty the bags and dispose of them. Until now, they have been regarded as a – resource that‘‘s typically used once and discarded.

“Here in Rhode Island we have adopted the best business practice — cooperation,” said Sherry A. Mulhearn, executive director of RIRRC. “When we approached the Rhode Island Food Dealers Association and asked them to work with us on finding a solution to the burgeoning plastic bag problem, they very enthusiastically consented to help. By working with each other, we arrived at a viable solution that doesn‘‘t hurt the business community or the consumer, and helps create jobs in the plastics collection and recycling industry. There are no drawbacks, and we all win.”

“Recycling plastic bags is an environmental stewardship that we wholeheartedly support,” said Anita San Antonio, president and CEO of the Rhode Island Food Dealers Association. “We know consumers and markets prefer them over other types of bags, and we should all share the responsibility for ensuring that they are disposed of properly.”

The blue ReStore barrels are located inside grocery stores around the state. Since all plastic bags will be eligible for recycling, it won‘‘t matter what name-brand bags are deposited in the barrels. Consumers can recycle all types of plastic film including plastic newspaper sleeves, dry cleaner bags, and produce baggies. The markets will be able to commingle pallet plastic wrappings with the consumer bags and save additional disposal costs.

The collected material will be trucked from the markets to the Packaging and More, Inc. facility in Central Falls, then on to RIRRC‘‘s Materials Recycling Facility in Johnston where they will be baled and sold to Trex Company, a plastic film remanufacturer. It is there that the bags will complete their life cycle and be transformed into new plastic film.

“It‘‘s good for business. It‘‘s good for the food industry. And, it‘‘s good for the environment of our home state,” said Tony Fonseca, president of Packaging and More, Inc. “ReStore works for everyone‘‘s best interests.”

The participating markets to date are: Shaw‘‘s Supermarkets, Stop & Shop Supermarkets, Dave‘‘s Marketplace, A&J Seabra Supermarkets, Brigido‘‘s IGA Marketplace, Eastside Marketplace, Belmont Market, Carcieri‘‘s Supermarket, Inc., Shore‘‘s Fresh Food Market, Clement‘‘s Market, Tom‘‘s Market, Dunn‘‘s Corners Market, and Dino‘‘s Park n‘‘ Shop.

According to a 2004 RIRRC survey, 95 percent of Rhode Island households use plastic bags, totaling 192 million grocery bags per year. Nearly all end up at the Central Landfill. Plastic bags were introduced in 1977 and now account for four out of every five bags distributed at grocery stores. Nationwide, only one percent of plastic film is recycled.><

Ano da Publicação: 2005
Fonte: WARMER BULLETIN ENEWS #36-2005-September 11, 2005
Autor: Kit Strange/Warmer Bulletin
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