USA – plastic bag industry pleads for recycling

Following the near-constant news of planned polyethylene bag bans from around America, Resource Recycling magazine reports that bag processors are launching a campaign to educate consumers about the importance of recycling the sacks.

“Without a significant change in consumer behavior, this issue will continue forever,” said Pete Grande, chief executive officer of Command Packaging (Los Angeles) and president of the California Film Extruders & Converters Association (Newport Beach).

The campaign will launch in late June 2007, right before a California law creating a pilot programme for recycling plastic bags at grocery stores takes effect on July 1. The law calls on certain retailers to educate consumers and establish an in-house recycling programme for the collection of plastic carry-out bags.

The public education campaign will be supported by CFECA, the Progressive Bag Alliance, the Society of the Plastic Industry Inc‘‘s Film and Bag Federation (Washington) and the American Chemistry Council (Arlington, Virginia).

Ano da Publicação: 2007
Fonte: WARMER BULLETIN ENEWS #23-2007-June 08, 2007
Autor: Kit Strange/Warmer Bulletin
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