Waste made work for more than 30,500 people across Canada in 2000

Waste made work for more than 30,500 people across Canada in 2000

OTTAWA (CP) – Waste made work for more than 30,500 people across the country in the year 2000, says Statistics Canada. More than 23,400 were employed by waste management industries disposing of municipal, construction and demolition waste. Those industries had $3.4 billion in operating revenues, $2.9 billion in operating expenditures and invested $412 million in capital expenditures, the agency reported Thursday.

The industry disposed of 23 million tonnes of municipal, construction and demolition waste – 750 kilograms for each Canadian, up nine per cent from 688 kilograms in 1998.

Governments and municipalities spent $1.4 billion and employed more than 7,100 in waste management

Ano da Publicação: 2002
Fonte: Canada.com
Autor: J Penido

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