Waste to Energy+Recycling 2011

"Resources of the Future" The "waste to energy+recycling" is the future forum for energy and materials recovery from waste and biomass. The exhibition and conference focus on thermal treatment, biogas production and secondary raw materials recycling. Attendees of the event include decision-makers from the public and private sector. What is unique about the "waste to energy+recycling" is the combination of latest technology and forward-thinking trends in the exhibit hall and sessions. The number of international delegates amounts to over 30 percent. The 2011 event provides room for more than 200 exhibitiors from plant engineering and machinery, process technology and services. Over 2,000 trade visitors from Germany and international are expected to attend.

Data: 17 de maio de 2011
Início: 1 de maio de 2011
País: United Kingdom
Cidade: Bremen
Informações para Contato:
Link: http://www.wte-expo.com/

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