Wet-dry collection problems reported in Guelph, Ontario

One of North America’s most comprehensive recycling collection programmes is having trouble getting a smooth city-wide operation underway.

Resource Recycling reports that in March, Guelph, Ontario moved to a three-sort, all-bagged system called wet-dry plus Wet compostable materials are kept separate from dry recyclables, and both are bagged. Residents place noncompostable and nonrecyclable materials in a third bag.

The implementation problem arose from a city decision to have collectors leave behind bags of material not properly sorted. City staff follow the collection truck and talk to residents who performed improper sorting. However, because initial compliance only reached 60 per cent, numerous bags remained on the kerb for days.

Ano da Publicação: 2003
Fonte: WARMER BULLETIN ENEWS #11-2003: March 29, 2003
Autor: Kit Strange (Warmer Bulletin)
Email do Autor: kit@residua.com

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