World – action on heavy metals among key UNEP Governing Council decisions

Governments have taken an important step forward in reducing the health and environmental risks from mercury, a heavy metal linked with a wide range of medical problems. Under an expanded mercury programme, they have asked the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) to conduct a study on the amounts of mercury being traded and supplied around the world.

Mercury, a heavy metal linked with effects such as damage to the nervous systems of babies, is used in products such as fluorescent light bulbs, dental fillings and thermometers. Action is also to be taken on improving the communication of the risks of mercury to vulnerable groups. These include pregnant mothers whose babies may be at risk if they eat too much mercury-contaminated fish or marine mammals such as seals.

Governments also agreed to promote ‘‘best available techniques‘‘ for reducing mercury emissions from chemical factories and other industrial sites. They agreed to develop partnerships between governments, international organizations, non-governmental organizations and the private sector to reduce mercury pollution with the first pilot projects to be in place by September this year. Likely partnerships include ones to reduce emissions of mercury from coal fired power stations, from chlor-alkali plants and from pollution linked with gold mining.

An estimated 2,000 tonnes of new mercury is released to the environment annually, mainly from coal-fired power stations, waste incinerators and as a result of artisinal mining of gold and silver. Under the partnerships, governments will make experts and information on environmentally-friendly techniques available to those countries and industries requesting assistance. The partnership mechanism will also focus on mercury wastes and surplus stockpiles as well as promote research to improve understanding on how mercury moves around the planet.

UNEP has been asked to publicize the success of these partnerships through publicity campaigns and through a dedicated web site. Governments, who have been attending UNEP‘‘s 23rd Governing Council/Global Ministerial Environment Forum, also agreed to review the success of the new programme in two years time. Here they will assess whether further action is needed and, if this is deemed so, review a wide range of options including the possibility of a legally binding treaty. Well over 1,000 delegates attended from close to 140 countries including Wangari Maathai, the 2004 Nobel Peace Prize winner and assistant environment minister of Kenya.

Klaus Toepfer, UNEP‘‘s Executive Director, said today:” At the start of this Governing Council I called on governments and delegates to take responsibility for the global environment in order to meet the UN Millennium Development Goals on issues such as poverty, water and health”.”I think we can say that they did this, pushing forward on a wide range of fronts including heavy metals, water and sanitation, gender equality and scientific assessments of this ever changing world,” he added. Mr Toepfer said he was pleased that governments had formally adopted the Bali Strategic Plan for Technology Support and Capacity Building which will help focus UNEP‘‘s work including support for developing countries on the national level in areas ranging from waste and data gathering to environment law and wildlife. “We have also been given backing for our work on early warning of disasters and catastrophes including tsunamis,” he said.

UNEP‘‘s finances have also been strengthened with governments agreeing to core funding for the organization of $144 million which ” is the best it has ever been,” said Mr Toepfer. Indeed, if all sources of funding are calculated, the overall budget for the biennium 2006-2007 is close to $300 million. Mr Toepfer said he had also been delighted by the success of the Environm

Ano da Publicação: 2005
Fonte: WARMER BULLETIN ENEWS #09-2005-March 05, 2005
Autor: Kit Strange / Warmer Bulletin
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