World – controversial climate report paints dire future for poor

On Friday 6 April, government delegates of over 100 countries wrangled over the report written by climate change experts and agreed on a final compromise after a marathon night session. Several scientists expressed their anger at some of the changes demanded by the political delegates and threatened not to work in the future with the IPCC anymore.

Political delegates from the US, China and Saudi Arabia took offence at some of the harsh wordings of the original draft report and managed to rewrite some of its content, much to the anger and frustration of the scientists.

For a comparison of both documents, see the draft documentPdf external which was written by the scientists and the final compromisePdf external. Issues:

Even in its amended compromise version, the report “Climate Change Impact, Adaptation and Vulnerability” presents some tough conclusions:

Millions of people in Africa will face water shortages by 2020

Almost a third of plant and animal species could be at increased risk of extinction

The health of millions of people will be affected by climate change.

The most striking conclusion of the report is that it will be the world‘‘s poorest regions which will suffer most from the effects of global warming. “It‘‘s the poorest of the poor in the world, and this includes poor people even in prosperous societies, who are going to be the worst hit,” said Rajendra Pachauri, chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

The report is the second of a series of reports known as the Fourth Assessment Report of the IPCC on climate change. In February 2007, the first report ( on the science of climate change concluded that there was a 90% certainty that climate change is man-made.

WWF urged governments to take action in the face of the looming crisis: “Doing nothing is not an option, on the contrary it will have disastrous consequences. The industrialized countries simply need to accept their responsibilities and start implementing the solutions,” said Hans Verolme, Director of WWF‘‘s Global Climate Change Programme. “This is a glimpse into an apocalyptic future. The earth will be transformed by human induced climate change, unless action is taken soon and fast,” said Stephanie Tunmore, Greenpeace International Climate & Energy Campaigner. “What this report shows is that we are simply running out of time.”

Ano da Publicação: 2007
Fonte: WARMER BULLETIN ENEWS #17-2007-April 27, 2007
Autor: Kit Strange/Warmer Bulletin
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