25th Annual BioCycle West Coast Conference 2010

This four-day event will be held on April 12-15, 2010 in San Diego, California at the Town & Country Resort. Training workshops will be held on Monday, April 12. Conference sessions and tradeshow featuring more than 50 exhibitors are scheduled on April 13 and 14, followed by an all day site tour on April 15. The 2010 BioCycle West Coast Conference will bring together project managers, policy makers, planners, researchers, solid waste and recycling coordinators, industry plant managers, consultants, and other waste and wastewater management professionals who want to know about the latest industry trends and tools in waste diversion, composting, organics recycling and renewable energy. Conference sessions feature over 50 technical and practical presentations that will cover zero waste, renewable energy from organics recycling, building compost markets, residential source separated organics collection, advances in MSW composting, compost utilization, biofuels developments and much more. BioCycle Conferences have earned a reputation for providing the most useful operational insights and research findings on advancing composting, organics recycling and renewable energy. Participants have told us how much valuable data they have gained and how many problems have been avoided. We are confident that the BioCycle West Coast Conference 2010 will continue to fulfill these goals.

Data: 12 de abril de 2010
Início: 1 de abril de 2010
País: USA
Estado: California
Cidade: San Diego
Informações para Contato:
Link: http://www.environmental-expert.com/resultEachEvent.aspx?cid=6042&codi=2942&lr=1&word=waste

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