
UK – CAT gets biomass generator for heat and power

Engineers at the Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT) are busy installing a new woodchip-powered generator, which will be more than 80% efficient when running at full power. The woodchip-powered combined heat and power plant (CHP) will generate up to 100kW of electricity, enough to meet the instantaneous power demands of …

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India – Recycling Centre concept generates interest

India has evinced interest in the ‘‘Recycling Centre Concept‘‘ offered by The Netherlands-based World Wide Recycling that focusses on reusing waste fractions for new products and electricity generation. The Hindu newspaper reports that when fully developed, this waste management concept turns more than 80 per cent of existing waste streams …

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China – Shenzhen to end free plastic bags for retail shoppers

Shenzhen City in south China‘‘s Guangdong Province is considering to pass an ordinance to end free use of plastic shopping bags supplied by retailers. Xinhuanet reports that the city‘‘s legislative affairs office has been soliciting opinions on a revised draft of an environmental protection regulation that would end the three-decade-long …

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Pense antes de gerar o lixo

Quanto tempo seria preciso para encher de lixo 16.400 caminhões enfileirados de São Paulo ao Rio de Janeiro? Um ano? Um mês? Muito menos. Segundo o Instituto Akatu, o Brasil produz atualmente 115 mil toneladas de lixo por dia. Isso quer dizer que nossos caminhões estariam cheios em apenas 72 …

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Coleta seletiva do lixo sem complicação

Você separa o seu lixo em casa? Em muitos casos, muitos respondem a essa pergunta dizendo que, além de não terem tempo para separar o lixo reciclável do lixo orgânico, não encontram os lugares para a coleta seletiva do material, o que inviabilizaria a separação. No entanto, cada vez mais …

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