
UK – waste oils incineration guidance issued

The Environment Agency for England and Wales has launched a new awareness campaign reminding companies, businesses and local mechanics to dispose of waste oil safely and legally or face tough penalties. Under the new Waste Incineration Directive – to be implemented on 28th December 2005 – companies that incinerate waste …

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UK – Branson plans to use plant waste to fuel aeroplanes

The Scotsman reports that Sir Richard Branson yesterday announced plans to power his planes on plant waste as a greener alternative to conventional aircraft fuel. The Virgin Atlantic chairman said he was considering opening refineries to produce cellulosic ethanol, which he claimed could replace kerosene. However, the move surprised environmental …

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UK – organic food waste addressed

More than a third of organic potatoes and 40 per cent of organic carrots do not make it onto supermarket shelves, new research published by the Food Chain Centre has revealed. Freshinfo reports that with some vegetables deemed too big, too small, too misshapen, too damaged or affected by pests …

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India – mercury-laden bio-waste segregation a must

The Central Pollution Control Board has written to all State Pollution Control Boards to make the segregation of mercury-contaminated bio-waste a condition for granting authorisation to the healthcare centres. The Hindu newspaper reports that new healthcare establishments will have to ensure the mercury-laden waste is properly segregated, treated and disposed …

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