
A OCED planeja estratégia ambiental

Os governos dos 30 países membros da Organização para Cooperação Econômica e Desenvolvimento (OCED) encontraram-se recentemente em Paris e adotaram a Estratégia Ambiental da OCED Para a Primeira Década do Século 21, comprometendo-se com programas nacionais específicos para os próximos 10 anos, visando eliminar os problemas ambientais mais graves, incluindo …

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A recycler fears trashing of its monopoly John Schmid – International Herald Tribune, Friday, July 12, 2002

Germany’s king of the heap: FRANKFURT As societies struggle with the mountains of garbage they produce, Germany looks like an environmentalist’s promised land. . A decade ago, this refuse-obsessed country spawned a program known as the Green Dot, or Gruener Punkt, which calls itself the world’s biggest recycling project. . …

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Applying economics to natural resource management

Applying economics to natural resource management Those of you with an interest in environmental economics and market-based instruments will probably find this useful, even though the National Market-based Instruments Pilots Program does not relate explicitly to waste (and comes from Australia’s national action plan for salinity and water quality). The …

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England funding initiative to boost recycling

England funding initiative to boost recycling As previously mentioned, Local Authorities all over England will receive extra funding to help recycling. A couple of days ago the Government announced the results of which councils had been successful in applications for a slice of the cake. A total of £42m this …

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Global survey shows slow progress on unsustainable consumption guidelines

Global survey shows slow progress on unsustainable consumption guidelines Three years after UN Assembly ratification, a global survey has found slow progress from governments on implementing the Sustainable Consumption Guidelines in the UN Guidelines for Consumer Protection. In a joint assessment by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and Consumers …

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Irish EPA works to develop markets for recycled materials

Irish EPA works to develop markets for recycled materials The Irish Environmental Protection Agency is soon to publish a report entitled A Strategy for Developing Recycling Markets in Ireland prepared by the Clean Technology Centre, Cork Institute of Technology. The report was prepared as part of the Environmental Research, Technological …

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Germans still bin their batteries

Germans still bin their batteries Germany is the only country – to the best of my knowledge – where it is actually illegal to throw a dead battery into the rubbish bin. This unenforceable law means that lots of householders in Germany must be criminals as many tons of toxic …

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Self-recycling mobile phone?

Self-recycling mobile phone? The first mobile phone capable of recycling itself will shortly go on display at the Science Museum’s new contemporary science wing – the Wellcome Wing. The phone, which has been developed by engineers from Brunel University with funding from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), …

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A rua como lugar da patologia social

A rua como lugar da patologia social Autor: João Inácio Kolling21/05/2002 – 16:58 A rua é um elemento central da edificação da cidade moderna. Nenhum espaço é mais evidente do que a rua para viabilização da diferenciação social e do antagonismo que se manifesta tanto na qualidade de algumas ruas …

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