
Italy – army tackles Naples waste chaos

Reuters reports that Italy‘‘s army began shifting mountains of rubbish from schools and streets in the region around Naples on Monday to keep the city from grinding to a halt after more than two weeks of garbage crisis. Protesters angered at plans to revive a landfill in their neighborhood clashed …

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China – Plastic Bags set to be banned

China has launched a crackdown on plastic bags, banning production of ultra-thin bags and forbidding supermarkets and shops from handing out free carriers from June 1. Chinese news agency Xinhua reports that the government will impose limits on the use of plastic bags starting on June 1, as part of …

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O Núcleo Gaúcho de Ecojornalistas promoveu no dia 13 de agosto, em sua "Terça Ecológica", a apresentação do trabalho que está sendo desenvolvido há 4 anos no Centro de Biotecnologia da UFRGS, referente à produção de bioplásticos. Algumas bactérias possuem a característica de produzirem resinas, acumulando-as como reserva energética, quando …

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