
Make Biodiesel

The process of converting vegetable oil into biodiesel fuel is called transesterification and is luckily less complex than it sounds. Chemically, transesterification means taking a triglyceride molecule, or a complex fatty acid, neutralizing the free fatty acids, removing the glycerin, and creating an alcohol ester. This is accomplished by mixing …

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Europe promotes biodiesel use

Biodiesel production in Europe Not only in the US but also in Europe is biodiesel is becoming increasingly popular as an alternative to mineral oil-based fuel. In Europe around 50 manufacturers produce approximately 1.5 million tonnes of biodiesel, with a total capacity of around 2.1 million tonnes Germany is the …

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Garbage and its impact on climate change

Climate change is a hot topic these days with the federal government. Canada‘‘s target is to reduce the Greenhouse Gas emissions by 6% below the 1990 levels between 2008 and 2012. The parties involved in the Kyoto Protocol met on February 16th 2005 to put the Kyoto Protocol into force. …

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Australia – attack on waste: recycling top of agenda

Recycling will be top of the Australian Government‘‘s agenda when Environment Ministers meet in Launceston this Wednesday for the Environment Protection and Heritage Council meeting. Australian Minister for the Environment and Heritage, Senator Ian Campbell, said Australia already led the world in recycling products like newsprint, but could do more …

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