
Finland – supervision may lead to waste reduction

Finland‘‘s Environmental Administration SYKE has published a guideline for supervisory authorities in the environmental field with a view to preventing and reducing waste arisings and the hazardousness of waste in enterprises subject to approval and supervision. International Wastenews, Waste Centre Denmark no. 1, 2005 reports that so far, environmental supervisory …

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France – waste incineration may lead to waste prevention

Supervision may lead to waste reduction. International Wastenews, Waste Centre Denmark no. 1, 2005 reports that waste incineration may lead to waste prevention in France In very clear terms, French scientists have asked the French Government to launch waste prevention initiatives. The background for the clear statement is that the …

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Geoprocessamento utilizado na seleção de áreas para aterro sanitário

Esta pesquisa apresenta como resultado áreas selecionadas, analisadas sob critérios técnicos, sociais e ambientais para o sistema de disposição final de resíduos sólidos do município de Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, utilizando técnicas de geoprocessamento, com o intuito de facilitar a tomada de decisões quanto às alternativas a serem implementadas no município, …

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Geração e manejo de resíduos industriais em Bauru-SP

O presente trabalho apresenta a caracterização dos Resíduos Sólidos Industriais no município de Bauru. Com esse objetivo utilizou-se das seguintes estratégias: visita a órgãos públicos que por competência tratam da questão, envio de questionários e cartas com perguntas específicas, contatos pessoais e telefônicos. O universo de indústrias abrangidas pela pesquisa …

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What is hazardous waste?

Waste is hazardous when it contains substances or has properties that might make it harmful to human health or the environment. The term ‘‘hazardous‘‘ does not always mean that such waste is immediately toxic, though some can be. By improving the way in which we manage all wastes classified as …

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What happens to hazardous waste?

For a long time hazardous & non-hazardous wastes have been ‘co-disposed’ into landfill (ie put in the same hole in the ground). This mixing of waste could cause long term damage to the environment and also has the potential for different types of waste to react with each other. The …

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How does hazardous waste affect the environment?

Any waste could be harmful if it is managed badly or disposed of illegally. However, these risks are very small when hazardous waste is managed properly. Research has shown a statistical connection between some waste operations and some forms of illness. But, it has not shown that the waste operations …

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How is hazardous waste managed?

Some hazardous waste can be reused, recovered or recycled, such as solvents, oils and metals. Others are landfilled or incinerated. Waste mineral oil, for example, can be burned as fuel but it’s better for the environment to recycle it instead. In 2003, nearly 38% of all hazardous waste in England …

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