
Italy – study shows wood recycling saved 2.5 Mt C02

Wood recycling can help reduce the emission greenhouse gases: each recycled kg is a 1.03 CO2 kg reduction. That‘‘s what an Ecobilancio research reveals, accoridng to Italian news agency AGI. In Italy, over the past 4 years, wood recycling has increased considerably, reaching 57 per cent in 2002, and 60 …

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USA – think-tank rejects notion of electro-scrap crisis

In Mandated Recycling of Computers: A Lose-Lose-Lose Proposition, US CEI Analyst Dana Joel Gattuso corrects common misconceptions about electronic waste, arguing that e-waste is not "growing out of control" and threatening to fill up the nation‘‘s landfills; and that electronic components are not leaking heavy metals into the ground soil …

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UK – zero waste & zero carbon housing project

Building on the success of BedZED, RRF member BioRegional is working in partnership with WWF on a project to produce a concept design for a 2,000 home zero waste and zero carbon One Planet Living community. BioRegional are developing the initial concept design with KBR, Fulcrum Consulting, Cyril Sweett and …

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UN starts first recycling project in Banda Aceh

A United Nations recycling project aimed at hiring scavengers to sift through debris left from the tsunami and recycle everything from steel to tree roots began on Wednesday in the provincial capital of Banda Aceh. The Jakarta Post reports that workers cleared an area where loads of rubble will be …

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China replacing USA as world‘s leading consumer

This piece is from Earth Policy Institute‘‘s Lester R. Brown Although the United States has long consumed the lion‘‘s share of the world‘‘s resources, this situation is changing fast as the Chinese economy surges ahead, overtaking the United States in the consumption of one resource after another. Among the five …

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