
The implications of Waste Strategy 2000 on Waste blend and Waste-to-energy Characteristics

This case study by the University of Cardiff examines the local effect of compositional changes in small-scale landfill sites. The study was carried out in a small unitary authority north of Cardiff in South Wales. The composition of municipal solid waste is changing due to consumer habits, packaging trends and …

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Understanding European and National Legislation on Packaging and the Environment

This publication identifies and explains the key laws relating to environmental regulation in Europe affecting packaging and packaged goods. A comprehensive listing of applicable laws is given in Appendix 1. The mandate and requirements of the principal European packaging waste recovery organisations is described in the sections on each country

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Manual de Gerenciamneto Integrado de Resíduos Sólidos

O Manual de Gerenciamento Integrado de Resíduos Sólidos será utilizado como instrumento didático nos programas de treinamento e capacitação em Gestão de Resíduos Sólidos promovidos pela Secretaria Especial de Desenvolvimento Urbano da Presidência da República – SEDU/PR e pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Administração Municipal – IBAM, podendo servir de referência …

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Handbook of recycling techniques

Recycling techniques are at least 50 centuries old but literature on the subject is scarce. Over the last ten years recovery techniques have developed, stimulated by political and economic factors. Knowledge of existing recycling tech-niques is important to recyclers and also manufacturers of consumer goods. Following an introduction and a …

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Fit for re-use

This guide to good practice has been compiled (in loose leaf format) to assist managers of workshops to reach standards that will result in accreditation, efficiency and assurance of quality. Currently there are more than 300 community organisations across the UK supplying household effects to people in need. Many customers …

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Recycling fee could hurt sales of new computers

Computer manufacturers will likely see their already slumping sales deteriorate further after a recycling fee on computers purchased for use in the home is imposed in April. Although the fee, which will be collected at the time of purchase to cover the costs of recycling when the computer is discarded, …

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Refuse Disposal

Refuse disposal technology continually evolving TOKYO (Kyodo via COMTEX) — Amid mounting refuse disposal problems nationwide, Japan’s steel, chemical and other materials-producing industries are devising increasingly innovative new technologies to cope with the problem, providing a glimmer of hope for a long-term solution. Tatsuno in the western Japan prefecture of …

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