Você sabe de onde vem o xaxim? Sabia que ele está em extinção? Pois é, o xaxim é o nome vulgar de uma grande samambaia (Samambaia-açu – “açu” em Tupi é “grande”), cujo nome científico é Dicksonia Sellowiana e que pode alcançar 10 metros de altura, como uma palmeira; era …
Mais »Reciclagem, Reintegração Social, Não-Extrativismo
Vasos, placas e palitos fabricados com fibra de coco verde reciclado revoluciona o mercado de paisagismo. Conheça o Projeto Coco Verde ——————————————————————————– O Projeto Coco Verde compreende um sistema cíclico, organizado em várias etapas. Cada uma delas movimenta um ou mais setores da economia com repercussões sociais, ambientais e comerciais. …
Mais »Germany – billions in investment and thousands of new jobs thanks to waste legislation
Study commissioned by German Federal Environmental Agency takes stock The new orientation of waste management begun in Germany in 1993 has not only been good for the environment, it has also had a positive impact on the economy. 20 billion euros have been invested in modern waste treatment and recycling …
Mais »Sweden – producer responsibility pushes recycling ahead for many materials
Since 1997 the Swedish EPA (Naturvårdsverket) performs an annual follow-up to see to what extent producers have achieved the recovery targets. This applies to waste covered by producer responsibility: end-of-life packaging, waste paper, tyres, cars, and WEEE (waste from electrical and electronic products). Ten years of recycling Ten years have …
Mais »Ireland – electro-waste directive ‘will cost EUR40m pa‘
A new EU directive will add EUR40 million to the cost of dealing with waste each year, according to waste management specialist Greenstar. The irish Examiner reports that the company said the new Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) regime will force suppliers of equipment of this nature to dispose …
Mais »Scotland – Government consuls on the sustainable management of waste from business and public sector
The Scottish Assembly has issued a consultation paper to seek views on the development of a framework for non-municipal waste in Scotland. The proposed framework will highlight the increasing importance of waste management to businesses in Scotland. It will outline the services currently available to business for the prevention and …
Mais »Germany – dioxin emissions report; incineration no longer a significant source
Dedicated waste incineration plants no longer play a significant role in contributing to emissions of dioxins, dust or heavy metals in Germany, according to a report from the German Federal Environment Protection Agency (UBA). Euwid reports that dixoin emissions from Germany‘‘s 66 dedicated waste incinerators emitted in total less than …
Mais »Germany – waste management: a significant contribution to sustainable development
In 2005 the emission of climate-affecting gases from annually discarded household waste will be approx. 30 million tonnes CO2 equivalent less than in 1990. The saving effect regarding fossil fuels more than tripled in a good ten years (1990-2001) due to increased energy recovery and recycling of wastes. These are …
Mais »Japan – all domestic Sanyo Epson production plants achieve 100% recycling target
Sanyo Epson Imaging Devices Corporation (“Sanyo Epson”) has announced that Level 1 zero emissions (100% recycling of waste) has been achieved at the Gifu Plant as of June 30, 2005. Zero emissions was earlier attained at the Matsumoto Head Office and Tottori Plant, thus all domestic Sanyo Epson production facilities …
Mais »USA – Philadelphia – recycling programme falls short
The city of Philadelphia‘‘s City Controller Jonathan Saidel has released a performance review, conducted by his office, of the City‘‘s Recycling Program. The purpose of the review was to determine if the programme was in compliance with the 1987 ordinance establishing it and whether it could be run in a …
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