
Statoil looks for drilling waste solutions – composting could work

Statoil is pursuing new approaches – including earthworm composting and asphalt production – in its search for ways to treat drilling waste. Statoil’s total fluid management project is working to develop environmental strategies and methods to reduce problems posed by various types of waste from drilling and downhole operations. OilOnline …

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MSW management in EU Accession Countries

Ever pondered over how much they recycle in Romania, how much landfilling is liked in Latvia, whether Cypriots covet compost and so on through all the EU members-in-waiting? Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Cyprus, Malta Eurostat have just produced a comprehensive overview of waste …

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Big shift needed to avoid hazardous waste disposal gap

Publishing new data on hazardous waste, the Anglo-Welsh Environment Agency welcomed the announcement by the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) of the setting up of an Advisory Forum on Hazardous Waste. With growing hazardous waste streams and landfill capacity set to reduce dramatically, the Agency said the …

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SEPA commissions WEEE study

Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) has been identified as a priority waste stream at both European Community and UK level. Priority Waste Stream Projects are being developed by the Scottish EPA (SEPA) as part of the National Waste Strategy: Scotland and the Waste Data Strategy to gather a wide …

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Green tax of £70 a flight

know this is not mainstream solid waste, but it is relevant to environmental economic instruments, waste & resources, sustainable tourism, food miles etc etc… Airline passengers should pay a green tax of at least £70 per return ticket to reduce the amount of global warming caused by flights, the UK …

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New technique transforming residual material into base material

A Thermal Conversion Installation (TCI) has been opened at AVR-AVIRA in Duiven, the Netherlands. This installation transforms residual material from the paper industry into a base material for the building trade, Topcrete. This technique is claimed to be the first of its type in the world. The TCI is an …

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De-coupling – ensuring economic growth without damaging the environment

At a recent seminar in Copenhagen, European environmental experts discussed how to de-couple economic growth from exploitation of resources and damaging impacts on the environment. De-coupling has come into focus in international environmental work in recent years, as there is a large political wish for ensuring economic growth without damaging …

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New technique transforming residual material into base material

A Thermal Conversion Installation (TCI) has been opened at AVR-AVIRA in Duiven, the Netherlands. This installation transforms residual material from the paper industry into a base material for the building trade, Topcrete. This technique is claimed to be the first of its type in the world. The TCI is an …

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The use of second hand car components in car fleets

Environmentally friendly solutions and economic benefits are not incompatible. This is what the RESPECT-project, supported by the EU LIFE-Environment aid programme has proved. The main goal of the project was to demonstrate that the re-usage of car parts on a large scale is economically, ecologically and technically possible. Nearly 80 …

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German court backs can/bottle recycling law

A German court has backed a government plan to introduce deposit charges on non-refillable cans and bottles next year, overturning an earlier ruling to block the measures in the western state of North Rhine-Westphalia. The German government aims to introduce a deposit of 25 cents for small containers and 50 …

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