
“ Pague pelo seu lixo ”: é mais justo

Você pode achar esta parte da publicação americana. New Hampshire News (quinta-feira, 26 de setembro) de interesse. . A casa padrão em Portland, Maine, colocava três sacos de lixo na calçada a cada semana antes de a cidade começar a cobrar os residentes por cada saco recolhido. “Agora, a maioria …

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Plásticos biodegradáveis – uma solução verde?

É duro decidir qual caminho a discussão sobre os plásticos biodegradáveis está tomando. Muitas pessoas gostam da idéia dos plásticos degradáveis, mas os impactos do seu ciclo de vida não são provados nem de um jeito nem de outro. Algumas pessoas preferem a idéia de usar plásticos não biodegradáveis como …

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Lançado esquema BRITÂNICO de retorno do telefone celular

A montanha anual de 15 milhões de telefones celulares descartados, porque seus usuários compram modelos mais novos, está sendo trabalhada com um novo esquema de reciclagem. Os clientes serão incentivados por varejistas e por fornecedores de serviço a retornarem seus telefones velhos sob um programa chamado Fonebak, lançado em 24 …

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Ilha das Flores – vídeo

Documentário | De Jorge Furtado | 1989 | 13 min Com Ciça Reckziegel Um ácido e divertido retrato da mecânica da sociedade de consumo Veja o vídeo clicando aqui!

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Green taxes work when properly targeted

Green taxation needs well-designed policy packages, concluded a conference exploring the successes and failures of recent environmental taxation. European ministers are calling for a rethink in how taxes are structured to ensure maximum environmental impact with minimum costs for those with low salaries. News service Edie reports that the meeting’s …

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Biodegradable plastics – a green solution?

It is hard to decide which way the argument over biodegradable plastics is going. Many people like the idea of plastics which break down, but the lifecycle impacts are not proven one way or another. Some people prefer the notion of using non-biodegradable plastics for fuel or as a CO2 …

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UK mobile phone takeback scheme scheme launched

The annual mountain of 15 million mobile phones scrapped because their users upgrade to newer models is being tackled with a new recycling scheme. Customers will be encouraged by retailers and service providers to return their old phones under a programme called Fonebak, launched on September 24. The BBC reports …

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Officials: Pay-as-you-throw dumping is more equitable

You may find this piece from the US publication the New Hampshire News (Thursday, September 26) of interest. The average house in Portland, Maine, had three trash bags at the kerb each week before the city started charging residents for each bag hauled away. “Now, most people put out one …

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Italy plans to incinerate more waste

The share of Italian waste being incinerated is too low and must be quadrupled for the country to comply with existing legislation, according to experts from industry, local authorities and the environment agency meeting in Milan recently. ENS reports that despite making good progress in recycling and re-use, Italy is …

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UK: worst in Europe on the environment

UK ‘worst in Europe on the environment’ according to yellow pages recycling survey The UK is seen as the worst country in Europe at protecting the environment, according to the latest Yellow Pages Annual Recycling Survey. Sweden is ranked the greenest country in Europe, with Germany a close second. But …

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