
Global survey shows slow progress on unsustainable consumption guidelines

Global survey shows slow progress on unsustainable consumption guidelines Three years after UN Assembly ratification, a global survey has found slow progress from governments on implementing the Sustainable Consumption Guidelines in the UN Guidelines for Consumer Protection. In a joint assessment by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and Consumers …

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Irish EPA works to develop markets for recycled materials

Irish EPA works to develop markets for recycled materials The Irish Environmental Protection Agency is soon to publish a report entitled A Strategy for Developing Recycling Markets in Ireland prepared by the Clean Technology Centre, Cork Institute of Technology. The report was prepared as part of the Environmental Research, Technological …

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Germans still bin their batteries

Germans still bin their batteries Germany is the only country – to the best of my knowledge – where it is actually illegal to throw a dead battery into the rubbish bin. This unenforceable law means that lots of householders in Germany must be criminals as many tons of toxic …

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Self-recycling mobile phone?

Self-recycling mobile phone? The first mobile phone capable of recycling itself will shortly go on display at the Science Museum’s new contemporary science wing – the Wellcome Wing. The phone, which has been developed by engineers from Brunel University with funding from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), …

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Bicycling recycling in China

Bicycling recycling in China Ryoukan, a non-governmental organization in Sanjo, Niigata Prefecture, Japan has just launched a free bicycle rental service at the start of the month for people needing a bike for a short time. Asia Intelligence Wire reports that the bicycles used in the service–called Charippa–are recycled ones …

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More Work Needed on WEEE Recycling in Japan

The Japanese newspaper Daily Yomiuri reports that, a year after the enactment of a recycling law governing the disposal of four electrical home appliances, efforts needed to ensure the programme’s success have become clear. The law, under which television sets, air conditioners, refrigerators and washing machines must be recycled, came …

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