
lixo eletrônico

SEATTLE — Worn out, obsolete, fried or just plain dead. Yesterday’s computers, cell phones, VCRs and television sets are headed for the nation’s 2,200 landfills by the ton. Cities and states are scrambling to cope with electronic waste. “Local governments all over the country are trying to deal with this,” …

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Recycling fee could hurt sales of new computers

Computer manufacturers will likely see their already slumping sales deteriorate further after a recycling fee on computers purchased for use in the home is imposed in April. Although the fee, which will be collected at the time of purchase to cover the costs of recycling when the computer is discarded, …

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Refuse Disposal

Refuse disposal technology continually evolving TOKYO (Kyodo via COMTEX) — Amid mounting refuse disposal problems nationwide, Japan’s steel, chemical and other materials-producing industries are devising increasingly innovative new technologies to cope with the problem, providing a glimmer of hope for a long-term solution. Tatsuno in the western Japan prefecture of …

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EU predicts growth in incineration

The amount of municipal solid waste (MSW) incinerated in the EU is expected to increase from 31 million tonnes per year (Mtpa) in 1990 to 56 The amount of municipal solid waste (MSW) incinerated in the EU is expected to increase from 31 million tonnes per year (Mtpa) in 1990 …

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Recycling PC’s

According to 8/13 Wall Street Journal (“Noranda Gleans Precious Metals From Old PCs and Electronics:Mining Company Finds It Does Pay To Recycle Consumer Electronics”) There’s gold in them thar PCs. And copper, silver, platinum and palladium, metals that areincreasingly being recycled from discarded computer and electronic gear andsold in metals …

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Recycling poultry wastes

New plant designed to process animal waste into oil New plant designed to process animal waste into oil By MICHAEL MANSUR – The Kansas City Star Date: 07/27/01 22:15 Imagine the most awful stuff — the guts and other wastes of poultry piled high on American farms and at giant …

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Recyclabe efficient concept car

“Car company Chrysler has developed a plastic Composite Concept Vehicle, which could cost US$ 6.000, take only hours to make and travel 50 miles to the gallon, making the vehicle ideal for markets in developing countries. According to reports from the environmental News network, instead of the normal 80 steel …

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OECD MSW statistics

“1998 statistics from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and development (OECD) record that the municipal solid waste arising vary enormously across the planet. The OECD average (it has 29 member countries) it a neatly precise 500 Kg/person/year. This maks a diverse picture, ranging between 230 Kg/person/year in Czech Republic and …

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  Get me a wormery, I'm going greenby Tim DowlingLike many people, I'm already what you might call a little bit green. An online questionnaire I filled out described me as 'light green', which is to say that I recycle when it suits me, and I occasionally impulse-buy organic food. …

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